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Class levels and namesLion Cubs: ages 24 months-3 1/2 years. 25 minutes. Classes are $65 a month. 6:1 ratio.
Tiger Cubs: Ages 3 1/2 to 5 years. 40 minutes. Classes are $75 a month. 6:1 ratio. Beginner level: (USAG level 1-3 skills) Ages 5-8. 55 minutes. Classes are $80 a month. 6:1 ratio. Intermediate Level: (USAG level 3-5 skills) Ages 6-14. Classes are $80 a month. 6:1 ratio. Advanced Level (USAG levels 3-5. Optional skills) Ages 6-14. Classes are $80 a month 8:1 ratio. Performance Class. By invitation only. Routines and skills. Every 12 weeks the class performs a public "meet" at the gym. More information available from Chet or Eliza. $80 a month plus leotard cost. $10 extra sessions for extra routine sessions (not required). 8:1 ratio. Brief Class policies* Our classes go year-round and there are no contracts. To protect your spot in class and to facilitate our billing, WE ASSUME YOU ARE CONTINUING EACH MONTH UNLESS YOU NOTIFY US IN WRITING.
* YOU MUST CONTACT US THROUGH THE PARENT APP BY THE 10TH of a given month that you intend to DROP THE FOLLOWING MONTH. If you do not notify us through the drop form, we cannot fill your spot from waiting lists and we cannot stop your auto debit for the following month. You will be responsible for that month's fees whether you can attend or not. So please contact us through the PARENT APP as soon as you know you will be stopping in the future. * CLASS FEES RUN AUTOMATICALLY ON THE 19th and 25th of each month. Fees are always paying for the following month. *Annual membership fee is automatically added for new students and each fall for returning students. Our calendar year is Sep 1-Aug 31. Membership is $35 for one, $15 for the second child. Membership drops to $25/$15 for Winter, $20/$10 for Spring and $10 per child in Summer. √ WE DO NOT PRORATE OR ADJUST FOR MISSED CLASSES AND MISSED CLASSES DO NOT ACCUMULATE. WE HAVE A LIBERAL MAKE-UP POLICY BUT YOU MUST MAKEUP WITHIN 30 DAYS OF MISSED CLASS. Why Wait lists?Why waiting lists? We maintain our teacher-student ratios and won't offer a class if it will overload an existing class. We want to maintain quality over quantity regardless of demand. We also don't just hire anyone to coach for us. The good news for you, our client, is that once you are in a class we will retain your spot and maintain the integrity of the class. While the class may increase in size if we have additional coaches available, the ratio of 6:1 will not change. Once you are in the class you do not have to re-register again or risk losing that spot. We move you up through the levels internally which also creates openings for new students to enter. We only take 3 people on wait list to realistically assure you a high chance of getting in a class.